Fritillaria Orange Beauty

Fritillaria Orange Beauty

Iris Reticulata Harmony

Iris Reticulata Harmony

Allium Party Balloons

Allium party balloons bears perfect orbs of pretty, pinkish-purple florets, with the added special feature of several flower stems appearing from echt bulb. The flower heads grow to festive balloons topping tall, straight stems. They are perfect for pots due to the shortness of this variety and the long-lasting grey-green foliage.

These bulbs are easy to flower in spring. They can be planted in groups from September until December. Store dry and cool until planting. Further information: please look at the schemes on the package. Minimum-maximum planting temperature 0 - 15 c. Plant in a sunny or partial shade position.

Allium is the botanical name for ornamental onions. Allium means 'sharp', which is very appropriate because of the flavour onions give to dishes. The allium is a special appearance in the garden and insects, butterflies and bees love the many flowers of the allium.

Planting month: 9-12
Plant depth: 20 CM (8'')
Planting distance: 15 CM (6")
Flowering month: 5-6
Flower height: 40 CM (16")"

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