Tulip Negrita

Tulip Negrita

Tulip Viridiflora Groenland

Tulip Viridiflora Groenland

Tulip Synaeda Amor

The Triumph Tulip is the largest group of Tulips. It is a cross between early and late single flowered Tulips. They come in all sorts of colours and shades and bloom in mid-spring. Some of them are fragrant. Usually the leaves are blue-green but they can also be yellow-green.

The Tulip comes in almost every colour and is one of the best-known flowers in The Netherlands. They have to be planted in October and November and the flowering time is from April till June. Especially the 'botanic' Tulip is suitable for the garden. They can remain in the ground and will flower again the following year.

Flowering Height: 40cm / 16 inches

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