Narcissi Bright Jewel

Narcissi Bright Jewel

Narcissus Dutch Master

Narcissus Dutch Master

Narcissus Ice Follies

These bulbs are easy to flower in spring. They can be planted in groups from September until December. Store dry and cool until planting. Further information: please look at the schemes on the package. Minimum-maximum planting temperature 0 - 15 c. Plant in a sunny or partial shade position.

The daffodil is best known under the name 'narcissus' and is a beautiful spring flower. The daffodil is characterized by the yellow trumpet surrounded by yellow or white petals. The flower bends slightly forward. The bulbs naturalize very easily and are also hardy.

Planting month: 9-12
Plant depth: 20 CM (8'')
Planting distance: 15 CM (6")
Flowering month: 3-4
Flower height: 40 CM (16")

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