Patio Collection - Narcissus Tazetta Minnow

Patio Collection - Narcissus Tazetta Minnow

Landscape Narcissus Minnow (50 Bulbs)

Landscape Narcissus Minnow (50 Bulbs)

Landscape Narcissus Tête-à-Tête (50 Bulbs)

A netlon bag filled with lots of flower bulbs to give that empty space in your garden a real make-over.

The Narcissus Cylaminieauses are developed by crossings. The flower looks down and the petals stick out backwards. The flowers grow about 10cm high.

The Daffodil is best known under the name 'Narcissus' and is a beautiful spring flower. The Daffodil is characterised by the yellow trumpet surrounded by yellow or white petals. The flower bends slightly forward. The bulbs naturalise very easily and are also hardy.

Flowering Height: 20cm / 8 inches

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