Westland Garotta Compost Maker 3.5kg
Speed Up Your Composting Process
Westland Garotta Compost Maker 3.5kg is designed to accelerate the natural composting process, enabling you to create rich, dark, crumbly compost more quickly. This specially formulated product promotes bacterial growth and encourages heat generation, which is key to speeding up decomposition and eliminating weed seeds. By using Garotta, you can efficiently turn organic waste like garden clippings, vegetable peelings, and weeds into high-quality compost to nourish your garden soil.
Key Features
Garotta Compost Maker is an easy-to-use product that accelerates the composting process. It contains a blend of nitrogen and pH buffering ingredients, which help stimulate microbial activity and encourage the pile to heat up, enhancing the decomposition process. It is formulated to kill off weed seeds, ensuring that your compost is free from unwanted plants. With Garotta, you can quickly transform your organic waste into nutritious, crumbly compost for garden use.
Why Use?
Garotta speeds up home composting while creating better-quality compost. It is formulated with a biological accelerator that decomposes garden and vegetable waste quickly, producing nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enrich garden soil, improve plant health, and boost crop yields. The addition of a microbial feed provides essential nutrients to microbes, accelerating decomposition. Lime is included to maintain the ideal pH level for microbes, ensuring the composting process continues smoothly. Furthermore, Garotta contains a source of Chitin, which promotes plant immunity and overall plant health when the compost is used in the garden.
What to Expect
Garotta will help you produce rich, dark, crumbly compost, perfect for use as a mulch or soil improver. The accelerated composting process creates better-quality organic matter that can be spread across your garden, improving soil structure, fertility, and drainage. The final result will be a nutrient-rich compost that helps maintain healthy plant growth, from flowers to vegetables and fruit crops.
When to Use
Garotta Compost Maker can be used at any time of the year. It is ideal for use when adding new layers of waste to your compost heap or bin. Apply Garotta each time you add a fresh layer of organic material to help speed up the decomposition process and ensure that the composting conditions remain optimal.
How to Use
To use Garotta Compost Maker, sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons per square meter over each 8cm (3”) layer of new material. If the compost heap is dry or woody, water it with a can holding between 5 and 8 liters (1 to 1½ gallons). This will ensure the material is thoroughly moistened, which is necessary for proper decomposition. Repeat this process each time you add a new layer of waste. Once the compost heap is full, leave it for 6-8 weeks to compost down completely.
For best results, avoid adding cooked food waste, as this can attract pests. Instead, stick to raw kitchen vegetable peelings, garden weeds, and lawn clippings. For tougher waste like woody stems, shred or cut it into smaller pieces to increase the surface area and allow the microbes to work more effectively. Regularly turn your compost heap to maintain airflow, which is essential for faster results.
General Advice
Always use gloves when handling Garotta Compost Maker. Store the product in a dry, frost-free place, away from children, pets, and foodstuffs. Wash your hands after using the product and avoid direct contact with your skin. For maximum results, turn your compost heap regularly to ensure proper aeration and maintain the right moisture levels.
Safety Information
Before using the product, always read the label for detailed safety instructions. For full safety information, refer to the product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Garotta Compost Maker should be kept away from children, pets, and food items, and it is recommended that you wash your hands and exposed skin after use. Gloves are advised when handling this product.
Westland Garotta Compost Maker 3.5kg is designed to accelerate the natural composting process, enabling you to create rich, dark, crumbly compost more quickly. This specially formulated product promotes bacterial growth and encourages heat generation, which is key to speeding up decomposition and eliminating weed seeds. By using Garotta, you can efficiently turn organic waste like garden clippings, vegetable peelings, and weeds into high-quality compost to nourish your garden soil.
Key Features
Garotta Compost Maker is an easy-to-use product that accelerates the composting process. It contains a blend of nitrogen and pH buffering ingredients, which help stimulate microbial activity and encourage the pile to heat up, enhancing the decomposition process. It is formulated to kill off weed seeds, ensuring that your compost is free from unwanted plants. With Garotta, you can quickly transform your organic waste into nutritious, crumbly compost for garden use.
Why Use?
Garotta speeds up home composting while creating better-quality compost. It is formulated with a biological accelerator that decomposes garden and vegetable waste quickly, producing nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enrich garden soil, improve plant health, and boost crop yields. The addition of a microbial feed provides essential nutrients to microbes, accelerating decomposition. Lime is included to maintain the ideal pH level for microbes, ensuring the composting process continues smoothly. Furthermore, Garotta contains a source of Chitin, which promotes plant immunity and overall plant health when the compost is used in the garden.
What to Expect
Garotta will help you produce rich, dark, crumbly compost, perfect for use as a mulch or soil improver. The accelerated composting process creates better-quality organic matter that can be spread across your garden, improving soil structure, fertility, and drainage. The final result will be a nutrient-rich compost that helps maintain healthy plant growth, from flowers to vegetables and fruit crops.
When to Use
Garotta Compost Maker can be used at any time of the year. It is ideal for use when adding new layers of waste to your compost heap or bin. Apply Garotta each time you add a fresh layer of organic material to help speed up the decomposition process and ensure that the composting conditions remain optimal.
How to Use
To use Garotta Compost Maker, sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons per square meter over each 8cm (3”) layer of new material. If the compost heap is dry or woody, water it with a can holding between 5 and 8 liters (1 to 1½ gallons). This will ensure the material is thoroughly moistened, which is necessary for proper decomposition. Repeat this process each time you add a new layer of waste. Once the compost heap is full, leave it for 6-8 weeks to compost down completely.
For best results, avoid adding cooked food waste, as this can attract pests. Instead, stick to raw kitchen vegetable peelings, garden weeds, and lawn clippings. For tougher waste like woody stems, shred or cut it into smaller pieces to increase the surface area and allow the microbes to work more effectively. Regularly turn your compost heap to maintain airflow, which is essential for faster results.
General Advice
Always use gloves when handling Garotta Compost Maker. Store the product in a dry, frost-free place, away from children, pets, and foodstuffs. Wash your hands after using the product and avoid direct contact with your skin. For maximum results, turn your compost heap regularly to ensure proper aeration and maintain the right moisture levels.
Safety Information
Before using the product, always read the label for detailed safety instructions. For full safety information, refer to the product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Garotta Compost Maker should be kept away from children, pets, and food items, and it is recommended that you wash your hands and exposed skin after use. Gloves are advised when handling this product.