Peckish Westwood Nestbox FSC

Peckish Westwood Nestbox FSC

Peckish Complete Seed & Nut Mix - 2kg + 50% Extra Free

Peckish Complete Seed & Nut Mix - 2kg + 50% Extra Free

Gardman Peanuts 12.75kg

Gardman Peanuts are a popular garden bird food that will attract a wide variety of colourful birds into your garden. Gardman Peanuts are a high protein food that provides garden birds with the nutrition and oils they may not get from other sources.

To use in bird feeders, simply cut the bag along the line indicated and pour the peanuts into a feeder. To feed on bird tables cut the bag along the line indicated and scatter the peanuts across the table. In Spring, it is important to only feed peanuts from a mesh feeder, as young birds are small and can choke on whole peanuts.

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