Gardman No Mess Seed Mix 12.75kg + 2kg Extra Free

Gardman No Mess Seed Mix 12.75kg + 2kg Extra Free

4L Westland Bonsai Potting Mix (Enriched with Seramis)

4L Westland Bonsai Potting Mix (Enriched with Seramis)

4L Westland Cacti & Succulent Potting Mix (Enriched with Seramis)

Optimal Growing Medium for Cacti and Succulents
Westland Cacti & Succulent Potting Mix is a peat-free, nutrient-rich blend specifically designed for cacti and succulents. Enriched with Seramis® granules, this mix offers superior water and nutrient management by absorbing moisture and releasing it as the plant needs it. The added sand provides a gritty, free-draining texture that ensures dry, healthy roots while promoting optimal aeration and drainage for your arid-loving plants.

Why Use Westland Cacti & Succulent Potting Mix?
This potting mix is ideal for all types of cacti and succulents, including Aloe Vera, Zebra Plants, Pin Cushion Cactus, Whale’s Tongue, Agave, Jade Plant, and Sempervivum. The unique combination of sand, Seramis® granules, and zinc complex boosts root growth and helps reduce plant stress during repotting. With a perfectly balanced structure of aeration and drainage, this mix ensures your plants thrive without the risk of root rot or overwatering.

How to Use Westland Cacti & Succulent Potting Mix?
For seedlings, fill the pot or seed tray with potting mix and level it. Prick off seedlings into holes, firm the mix gently, and water well. For rooted cuttings, pot them into individual pots or containers, being careful with fragile roots. When repotting, water the plant and let it drain before carefully removing it from the pot, using folded paper to protect against spiky surfaces. Place a layer of potting mix in the new pot, sit the plant on top, and fill the rest of the pot with mix. Firm lightly around the root ball and wait a few days before watering to prevent root rot.

What to Expect
Westland Cacti & Succulent Potting Mix ensures healthy root development and enhances plant resilience. The gritty texture provides excellent drainage and aeration, creating an environment where your plants can thrive. By using this mix, you will promote faster root growth, reduce stress, and improve overall plant health, ensuring your cacti and succulents grow strong and beautiful.

Safety Information
Always read the product label before use. For full safety information, please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Work in a well-ventilated space and avoid inhaling dust. Wearing gloves is recommended, and remember to wash your hands after use. Store in a dry, frost-free place, away from children, pets, and foodstuffs.

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